Here’s the deal. Women test men. But not for the reasons that you think. It’s not malicious. Or pre meditated or meant to hurt you. In fact, we women aren’t testing you men hoping you’ll fail. We test to protect ourselves, our bodies and our hearts. And testing usually comes in the form of saying and doing [Continue Reading]
5 Tips On How to Start Sexting a Woman to Turn Her On
Sending sexy texts can be a great way to turn a woman on… and make her heart race. But how do you start “sexting” a girl without seeming creepy or awkward? Well, that’s what we’ll discuss today. I’m gonna give you my 5 best tips on how to start sexting a woman to drive her wild. [Continue Reading]
3 Conversation Starters You Can Use to Meet Women
Here’s the deal. Contrary to popular belief, Clubs, bars, and dating apps are NOT the only ways to meet women. You can meet women EVERYWHERE. Coffee shops, supermarkets, parks, gyms, meetup groups, classes. anywhere you go. And I’m gonna show you how. I’m going to give you the female perspective on what to say when approaching women [Continue Reading]
6 Best Ways to Create Sexual Tension With a Girl
Sexual tension. Can you feel it? Sexual tension is that amazing feeling you have between you and a woman that distinguishes you from a guy she’s friends with vs. a guy she wants to get busy with. Most guys suffer with women because they don’t know how to spark or create sexual tension. And without that [Continue Reading]
Escape The Friend Zone: 3 Moves to Change Her Mind About You
Want women to start seeing you sexually instead of seeing you as a friend or a “nice guy”. I want to see you escape friend zone. So in today’s post, I’m going to tell you how you can stay out of this zone forever! Whether it’s with a co-worker, classmate, or a girl from your social circle… [Continue Reading]
3 Things All Nice Guys Do Wrong! (Biggest Attraction Killers)
Everyone knows women are not attracted to “nice guys”. And today, I want to discuss 3 AWFUL mistakes ALL “nice guys” make that are the biggest attraction killers. And chase women away for good. These 3 attraction killers are HUGE turn-offs for any girl you will ever meet… And will kill any potential for attraction, [Continue Reading]