Every day I talk with another man who says ” well I guess I am just going to have to settle for what I can get with women.” and I say to them STOP SETTLING FOR WOMEN YOU DONT WANT! Start getting the women you do want instead! There is no need to settle and [Continue Reading]
Approach Anxiety: Case Study
Approach anxiety sucks. Point blank! It sucks because approach anxiety is based on fictional beliefs that we make up in our head that stop you from doing the one thing you really want to do. APPROACH WOMEN! Below is a Case Study of a client that I worked with a couple of years ago who, [Continue Reading]
Wing Girl Outing
Two-On-One Wing Girls Outing ($895, 3 hr, 2 Wing Girls)
We Pick Up Women For You
Ever wish you could get instant feedback on your approach style while out interacting with women? WGM’s Two-On-One Wing Girl Outing gives you that PLUS we pick up women for you! Includes full feedback report and instructions on how to improve your current life with women.