Does real estate matter women?? I sat down yesterday with the Founder of Matthew Slutsky (funny name right?) to find out if real estate matters in the world of dating. He asked me these 5 questions to find out “Does Real Estate Matter To Women?” 1. Whats better? Inviting a girl at a bar [Continue Reading]
#1 Reason You Are NOT Attracting Women
Want to to know the #1 reason you are NOT attracting women? The main problem that many men struggle with, when trying to attract the opposite sex, is that they really don’t understand what creates attraction. Once a man can understand what creates attraction, he will understand how to attract women. I was about to [Continue Reading]
Marni #1 Wing Girl & The Wing Girl Method Join
Marni #1 Wing Girl and The Wing Girl Method join!! I, Marni, your Wing Girl have been asked to be one of‘s video experts on SEX!!! To be fair, “Sexpert” is not a hat I am used to wearing, but I am definitely confident and comfortable talking about sex from the female POV. [Continue Reading]
The Art of Picking Up Women Gets a Female Touch – Huffington Post Article
Last week Peter Nowak, award winning journalist and best-selling author, interviewed me for a piece he was writing for the Huffington Post Canada. The piece is excellent and well written. The article is posted below: By: Peter Nowak Award-winning journalist and best-selling author When I think back on some of the most eye-opening books I’ve [Continue Reading]
How Do You Talk To Women and Make Them Feel Attracted To You
Hayley Quinn – UK Wing Girl! (Don’t miss out on the audio at the end of this post where Hayley and I give you a more in depth explanation) So how do you talk to women? And I’m not talking about asking a woman, ‘where is the nearest Starbucks?’ I mean really talking to a [Continue Reading]
The Wing Girl Method on
My article on is getting a great response. Over 250 people have recommended it to their friends to read and 109 people have commented. The article is 6 Dating Tips for guys on how to pick up girls! I have been blown away by the response, especially by women. They love it, they agree [Continue Reading]
#1 Mistake Men Make With Women
Drove down to San Diego yesterday to do a 3 minute segment on San Diego 6, The CW Morning Show with Mark and Heather. It was awesome and in just 3 minutes, Mark got a lot of great information out of me including #1 Mistake Men Make With Women. Pretty sure I did a good [Continue Reading]
What Is your Personality Type? MBTI Free Test
Ever taken The Myers-Briggs Type Indicator Test? It is really helpful in getting a better understanding of who you are and the way you see the world. What Is Myers Briggs? The Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) assessment is a psychometric questionnaire designed to measure psychological preferences in how people perceive the world and make decisions.. [Continue Reading]