I'm going to let you in on a little secret about women. We want you to approach us, and not just in certain spaces or places, we want it everywhere. We want it in the grocery store, in the gym, in line at the post office we want it everywhere.
So start doing it like this. I've got a question for you. Now when I ask you, it's probably going to wrestle a few feathers inside that noggin. But that's why I have to ask you. Do you ever want to approach a woman you find attractive but a little voice in your head tells you that it's creepy or it's weird, or she doesn't want to be approached?
And what's more, that nagging little voice stops you dead in your tracks because, after all, you don't want to be what you yourself don't like to see in other people. So here's the real reason you feel that way. It's because you're projecting. That's right, you are projecting.
If you want to approach women and do it successfully, you have to first make it normal within your own brain that approaching other people especially women is entirely normal. Which it is. The first step always starts with you.
So here's an exercise for you that I find to be super powerful. If you feel like it's hard to approach someone especially women, check out how approachable you are. If you're terrified of being judged, check out how often you judge others.
A while back when I was doing my own coaching after my first session, I had the coach say to me, “Oh Marni, I feel so sad for you. I see how harshly you judge other people. I can't even imagine how harshly you judge yourself.”
And you know what? She was right. I judge the crap out of people. I judge others to keep a distance and protect myself. And you may be doing the exact same thing. Remember, you dictate your own reality, not the other way around.
Another way to look at it is like this. When a stranger tries to small talk with you, do you try to end it as quickly as possible? Do you try to continue the conversation? Are you annoyed or cold when someone tries to start a conversation with you or are you welcoming of it?
Do you see how this works? The reason you have the beliefs you have about women being cold or harsh is because that's your reality, but it doesn't have to be. We all want to have good interactions with others. Women or men. It's how we get by as humans.
But if you feel yourself having a cold outlook on social interaction, it's more often than not exactly what you're going to get back. I want you to try these exercises today. I want you to watch the gremlins bouncing around your head telling you that you're not good enough to go chat up that pretty lady waiting at the counter. That the girl that works in your office is going to think you're creepy and weird if you go talk to her.
I want you to watch as these thoughts disappear. Once you start projecting the reality you want others to give back to you, you're gonna be in shock to see how quickly those false beliefs melt away. You'll wonder why you ever had them in the first place. That's how powerful these reality shifts can be.

The Approach Blueprint
Now, what about once your reality does allow you to go chatter up, what do you do? Well, that's where my Approach Blueprint comes into play. It's all about opening up to the woman you want in exactly the right way so that she's completely captivated by you and wants more.
The Approach Blueprint is a complete instructional manual that gives you a combination of words, tonality, and body language that unconsciously make women attracted to you. It teaches a method so effective that one of my students actually called it, a way to meet women that every guy has been waiting his whole life to learn.
Does it sound too good to be true? Well, why don't you be the judge of that? Check out my Approach Blueprint. When you know how to approach women and the simple code phrase that I'm going to teach you, it will be like adding rocket fuel to all of your interactions with women.