How To Talk To Women &
Make Them Feel Attracted To You
(Don't miss out on the audio at the end of this post where Hayley and I give you a more in depth explanation)
So how do you talk to women?
And I'm not talking about asking a woman, ‘where is the nearest Starbucks?' I mean really talking to a woman; the kind of talking that will make her feel feet-sweeping attraction to you.
Women are so often attracted by what they hear. Talking to a woman successfully is vital to creating attraction: it tells her what qualities you have as a man, suggests what your lifestyle is like and talks volumes about your compatibility.
Talking to women can be hard to master: to be great at talking to women, you have to talk to a woman, as a woman. You have to leave your logical, factual tone in the boardroom and connect with her emotionally: or you will lose a woman's interest every time.
Women tend to talk to one another in a way that is more expressive, emotive and descriptive.
I'm not going to lie to you; talking to women is a bit of an art, which some guys find much easier than others (now at least you know why song writers always get the girl!)
One tip that will instantly create more attraction in how you talk to women is simply remembering that little word ‘because'. By adding ‘because' to your conversations you will be forced to get more descriptive and detailed. It's the difference between:
‘London is amazing.'
And ‘London is amazing BECAUSE I love all of the hidden hole-in-the-wall restaurants you can discover.'
Boom! The second statement will be so much easier for her to respond to as there are so many more topics of conversation to talk about: restaurants, exploring a city, free time, London.
By expanding how you talk, by using ‘because'; women will find that they can talk to you much more easily. This means they'll talk to you in more detail in return, you can paint them a picture of your lifestyle quickly and you'll have a much more engaging conversation all round.
A conversation that will create oodles of attraction.
Getting great at talking to women is also like a muscle though: to get this attraction you're going to have to re-train your tongue to speak slightly differently. Start using ‘because' to expand your statements when you're talking to a woman and you'll notice that you're going to start getting stronger connections: fast.
For a more in depth explanation, listen to the audio below where we discuss how to naturally incorporate the word BECAUSE into your conversations with women. And how adding the word BECAUSE is a huge turn on for women.
[audio:]To hear even more about how to turn women on and drive them wild…find out exactly what it takes to be the fantasy of every woman you come across…and the envy of every guy you know.
Find out how to become a man all women want tonight