When asked, women often respond the number one thing they want in a man is confidence! I asked Ms. USA 2004, Shandi Finnessey this question twice and she kept saying “confidence.” So, I explored the root of this common answer among women. Why is confidence so important! Here’s where the answer was hidden: In nature, [Continue Reading]
#1 Thing That Turns Women On…
The #1 Thing That Turns Women On is Confidence!!!! Hands down. Don’t believe me, go survey 10-15 women and I guarantee you they will tell you the exact same thing. Women are so attracted to confidence, that it beats out looks, money and strength every time. Sadly, few men have it, and fewer ever will. [Continue Reading]
How To Build Confidence With Women
The #1 thing women find attractive is a man with confidence. I know I am going to get several male doubters and many eye rolls for making that statement, but believe it or not it’s true. Here is your guide on How To Build Confidence With Women. Step 1: In order to build confidence with women, the first thing you need to do is
What Women Want – Other Experts Speak Out Part 2
Yesterday I introduced you to a couple of my new friends in the community Alan Roger Currie and Carlos Xuma. I shared with you their opinions on What Women Want. Today I have a couple more people to introduce you to, who will be giving their expert opinion on What Women Want. I want to [Continue Reading]
What Women Want – Other Experts Speak Out
What The Hell Do Women Want? Over the past 6 years I have been giving you my insight into the minds of women and worked hard to explore, understand and explain to you What Women Want! During this time I have gained the respect of some of the worlds top PUA’s, dating experts and attraction [Continue Reading]
Too Much Outer Game =’s BAD NEWS
This article is about one of my clients that was obsessed with outer game. Obsessed to the point where he found himself constantly losing women. Don’t get me wrong, I love outer game. It is fun, engaging and easy. Usually when I am out for a night and I interact with a guy, we banter, [Continue Reading]