By far the #1 question I get from my clients and 100’s of thousands of men around the world is about how to talk to girls. And I get it. We women are freaking confusing. One day you can say something and it works… the next day it gets you a straight face and cold shoulder. [Continue Reading]
Asking Out A Girl: The Proper Way To Do It!
As I have told you before, I have many guy friends. Guy friends who I love and think are the best guys in the world. And guy friends who can still shock me when I see how terribly they handle themselves with women. Lucky for my guy friends, they have me to get their female [Continue Reading]
How To Tell A Woman Likes You
Learn to spot the subtle signals women give when they are interested in you.
How To Dress: A Woman’s View On Style (Peacocking)
Why style and what you wear is an important part of your dating life. Read on to find out how to dress to attract women. For those of you not familiar on what “Peacocking” is, it is the action of dressing to stand out, or to have an item of clothing or an accessory that [Continue Reading]
Maintaining Conversations With Women
Tips on how to approach women and maintain conversation.