I wanted to share an interesting, yet common story about attracting women. I am sure many times in your life you have been walking down the street and saw a beautiful women with an unattractive man and said to yourself “something is wrong here. Why is she with that guy?” I am sure you could [Continue Reading]
11 Ways a Man Can Screw Up a First Date
Here are my 11 best first date tips because the first date is one of the most important, for obvious reasons. The better you do on the first date the more likely there will be a second and third date to follow. I asked a bunch of my women to really think long and hard [Continue Reading]
Online Dating Guide: 14 Dos and Dont’s of that First Crucial Email
Don’t you just love modern day technology. So many ways to connect and meet women but also so many ways to screw up in a matter of seconds. To help combat these issues, I have put together a quick list of do’s and don’ts for online dating. These rules can also be tweaked to applied [Continue Reading]
How to Show Self Confidence
The Wing Girl Method and all of it’s contributing members (over 50 women) have concluded that the number one quality a man can possess is CONFIDENCE. If you are not a confident man you will never get the women you want. If you like the piece share it and comment. This one is great advice [Continue Reading]
WGM on Asylum.com – Hot Girl, Cool Job
The Wing Girl Method and Marni is getting great attention all over the internet. Check out the most recent article published on Marni, Owner of The Wing Girl Method, called Hot Girl, Cool Job on Asylum.com Be the first to share this with your friends and spread the word about The Wing Girl Method.