A lot of men are constantly asking me “How do can I escalate from friends to sexual attraction?”. Escalating is easier than one might think. All it really involves is believing that you are sexual and stating your intentions. The difficult part is actually believing you are sexual and having the confidence and comfort in [Continue Reading]
How Women Use The Shit Test
How Women Use The Shit Test BY: Orit Arfa There is no scientific definition for the “shit test,” but it is generally defined as follows: “the test a woman gives a man in the early stages of dating, usually through curious and sly questions or comments.” Here are some example and their categories (they vary [Continue Reading]
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Famous Quotes on Self Confidence
Quotes for change. 9 quotes to make you think about your current actions with women.
Am I Into This Girl?
Next time you approach a woman, think to yourself, do I actually like her? A lot of men forget about this and get caught up in the success of the pick up rather than the quality.
Why Do Women Give Out Their Phone Number and Not Answer?
I have been that girl who has given my number with absolutely no intention of answering the phone.
I know it’s wrong but it’s so much easier and less awkward to give out my number then to say “sorry I’m so not into you and I will never answer my phone when you call. I do not want to go out with you.”