Are you secretly killing your chances and doing these turn offs for women but just don’t know it? Most men are the majority of guys that do certain things that push women away without them even knowing it. These turn offs for women might be the reason why you’re single. Which sucks. These subtle behaviors [Continue Reading]
How To Make A Woman Laugh? Use These 5 Killing Jokes
5 Jokes That Kill With The Ladies In Any Situation And Turn Women On BIG TIME I will tell you exactly how to make a woman laugh. Everyone knows that women find a sense of humor attractive. There are so many different types of men that women like. But there’s one type which stands head [Continue Reading]
10 Things Women Will Say to Test You (Best Responses Included)
Here’s the deal. Women test men. But not for the reasons that you think. It’s not malicious. Or pre meditated or meant to hurt you. In fact, we women aren’t testing you men hoping you’ll fail. We test to protect ourselves, our bodies and our hearts. And testing usually comes in the form of saying and doing [Continue Reading]
Escape The Friend Zone: 3 Moves to Change Her Mind About You
Want women to start seeing you sexually instead of seeing you as a friend or a “nice guy”. I want to see you escape friend zone. So in today’s post, I’m going to tell you how you can stay out of this zone forever! Whether it’s with a co-worker, classmate, or a girl from your social circle… [Continue Reading]
The Biggest Female Turn On of All Time
Do you know the one thing that turns a woman on… MORE than anything else? It’s NOT status, money, height, or good looks. In fact, it’s NOT even confidence, sense of humor, intelligence, or a game. Those are all nice. But the single biggest female turn on is something very specific… that 99% of men are [Continue Reading]
Improve Your Chances With Women: Stop Saying These 4 Words
Approaching women is hard, no doubt, and it can be terrifying. Unfortunately, you may be sabotaging yourself by WHAT you say when you first start speaking to a woman. You can instantly improve your chances with women by learning the four words you should NEVER say! I’m going to share a mistake with you here [Continue Reading]
3 Reasons You’re Not Dating The Woman You Want
How can you stop settling for women you’re not that attracted to? And why is it so hard to date the women you REALLY want to be with? Here are the top 3 reasons you’re not dating with the woman you truly desire: There’s a complaint I hear from men ALL the time. “I do [Continue Reading]
How To Be Fearless When You Approach Women In Public
I’m going to let you in on a little secret about women. We want you to approach us, and not just in certain spaces or places, we want it everywhere. We want it in the grocery store, in the gym, in line at the post office we want it everywhere. So start doing it like [Continue Reading]
3 Common Conversation Mistakes That Turn Women Off
There are threr common conversation mistakes men make when speaking to a woman that makes an awful impression on her and kills the potential for attraction. These mistakes are subtle and habitual so most guys don’t even realize it but the consequences are major. I want to tell you what these three attraction-killing mistakes are [Continue Reading]
How to Turn Your Awkwardness With Women Into Confidence
I will show you two simple ways to turn awkwardness and nervousness into rock-solid confidence as fast as possible. All right, let me tell you a quick story. It’s Saturday night and this guy named John is out with his buddies and they’re all laughing and having fun and he is the life of the [Continue Reading]