Did you know that I used to have extremely low confidence and would second guess EVERY action I made? NO? Well, I did. Not only did I have low confidence, social anxiety and a huge fear of speaking my mind. I also had a HUGE problem asking for what I wanted. I was so afraid [Continue Reading]
How Good Are You With Women? Simple Checklist To Discover Your GAME LEVEL
Want to know how good you are with women? I had a member of The Wing Girl Method write into me the other day and ask “Marni, Do you have a big checklist to see our level of where we’re at with women?” and I said “OMG, no I don’t but I will totally make [Continue Reading]
How To Date Women In Their 20’s: My Younger Sister Nicki Tells All
I’m putting an end to a horrible rumor right now!!! The rumor that states that it is creepy to date younger women. First – It’s not at all. In fact, many women I know date men who are considerably older than them. AND NO it’s not for their money or social status. These men are [Continue Reading]
Do Women Care If You’re Fit? How Being Unfit and Out of Shape Can Affect Your Dating Life
You know I’m all for personality over looks but being healthy is very different from being thin. An unhealthy, non-fit guy can be a big turn off because of the way it affects your dating life. Being unfit and out of shape can have a detrimental effect on your dating life. From the dates you [Continue Reading]