I’m going to let you in on a little secret about women. We want you to approach us, and not just in certain spaces or places, we want it everywhere. We want it in the grocery store, in the gym, in line at the post office we want it everywhere. So start doing it like [Continue Reading]
10 Green Flags To Look For In A Woman
Being with the wrong woman will ruin your life and destroy your mental peace. Every day will bring new drama and you don’t want that. That’s why I want to help you select the right woman to date or be in a relationship with by sharing the 10 green flags to look for in a [Continue Reading]
The Power of “Disagreeing With A Woman” To Build Sexual Tension
99% of men who struggled to attract women and frequently end up in the friend zone make one big mistake that they need to correct immediately. My friend Patrick James explained this beautifully in our recent masterclass on how to build sexual tension. So Patrick, if you don’t know him is a world-renowned dating expert [Continue Reading]
How To Approach A Woman When She Is In A Group?
All right, I have a question from a guy who subscribed to my newsletters. Marni, how do I approach a woman when she is in a group and handle the group if they get in my way with her? So he’s been in a couple of situations where he had been talking to a girl [Continue Reading]
4 Connection Building Moves to Build Chemistry with a Woman
Okay, so what makes a woman want to date a man? What’s the most important factor? What move for this connection building with women that are proven to work? Recently, a study was conducted at the University of California, Davis to answer this question. They analyze 6,600 speed dates that they set up and discovered [Continue Reading]
3 Simple Strategies To Build Attraction And Get Dates
Getting dates and building attraction with beautiful women is easier than you think. Most guys overthink and overcomplicate the dating process. But it actually does not take a lot to date amazing gorgeous women. For goodness’ sake, if Pete Davidson can do it, you can do it too. I’m going to show you three simple [Continue Reading]
Where to Meet 30 Hot Women In 30 Days
Marni, where do I meet more women who are available and ready to talk to me, ready to get down with me? This is a question I get often. And the short answer is women are everywhere. Not just at bars and clubs like most men think. Which I know is an annoying response. But [Continue Reading]
The Best Spots to Touch a Woman
Touch is one of the most powerful ways to connect with a woman and there are some best spots to touch a woman that you should know. In fact, without it, you can never escalate with her sexually. And you’ll almost always end up in the friend zone. The problem is: that most men are [Continue Reading]
4 Forms of Intimacy to Master in Your Relationship
Relationships all around the world demonstrate affection in many different ways. Some relationships display affection more publicly while others share their moments only behind closed doors. When looking for a relationship, the average individual hopes that not only will their relationship be romantic, but that there is plenty of intimacy involved, both in and out [Continue Reading]
Do This to Make Her Miss You
If you want her to beg for your attention and chase after you… You need to make her miss you when you’re not around. In other words… You must make her think about you and crave your presence when she’s not with you. Most men have no clue how to do that… But lucky for [Continue Reading]