I got a question recently that read like this: “Marni, I’m a huge fan. I read your newsletter every day but… I’m still absolutely terrified to approach women. What can I do? How to look confident around women?” It’s a good question. And it’s SO common among the men I work with. They read my [Continue Reading]
The Best Spots to Touch a Woman
Touch is one of the most powerful ways to connect with a woman and there are some best spots to touch a woman that you should know. In fact, without it, you can never escalate with her sexually. And you’ll almost always end up in the friend zone. The problem is: that most men are [Continue Reading]
4 Forms of Intimacy to Master in Your Relationship
Relationships all around the world demonstrate affection in many different ways. Some relationships display affection more publicly while others share their moments only behind closed doors. When looking for a relationship, the average individual hopes that not only will their relationship be romantic, but that there is plenty of intimacy involved, both in and out [Continue Reading]
How to Turn A Woman On Without Touching Her
You can turn a woman on without touching her and get her hot and excited by simply using your words the right way. You see, the most powerful sexual organ every woman has is the brain. The brain holds the ultimate trigger for a woman’s desire and sex drive. By using your words and flirting [Continue Reading]
3 “Nice Guy” Rules You Must Break to Attract Women
Whether they know it or not… Nice guys play by a certain set of rules when interacting with women. And unknowingly, these hidden rules keep them from actually getting the women they want. If you’re a nice guy who’s unable to attract women, read this article carefully. There are 3 rules you follow – without [Continue Reading]
How To Tease Women To Get Them Instantly Attracted To You
In this article, I’m so excited to teach you about how to tease women to get them instantly attracted! Since I was in my early twenties, I’ve been teasing women and of course, in a PLAYFUL way. I’m going to tell you how to tease women (with playful energy) so that you don’t come across [Continue Reading]