Me and 42 Beautiful, Sexy, Amazing Women
Are Going To Tell You Right Now!
Not Knowing May Silently Be KILLING Your Game”
A breakthrough from World’s #1 Female PUA and Wing Girl Marni
Hey You,
Here are the first 5 things you don’t know about Women that only a woman could tell you:
1.Women are FREAKIN’ Crazy! I know, because I am one.
2. 90% of what we say is not true
3. Women want to be approached by men, but only if it’s done the RIGHT way
4. We are constantly evaluating you, on levels men cannot understand (without my help)
5. Women are sexual, sensual beasts waiting to be unleashed and want YOU to show them how
And here’s the problem…
Most Men Don’t Have A Clue What To Do With This Valuable Information…
Let Alone How To Use It To Get Insane Success With Women!
But let’s take a step back. Because I know what you want.
You aren’t reading this because you want to hear more information about women, from yet another expert.
[headline_cufon_font_centered color=”#FF0000″]You Want To Learn How To
Actually ATTRACT Women![/headline_cufon_font_centered]
And not just the kinds of “Goat eating bridge trolls” that hang out at dingy bars until Last Call, just hoping you’ve had enough tequila to take them home….
You want to be able to approach virtually ANY woman you see. Day or night, and know with 100% certainty that she is going to react to you much differently and MUCH more POSITIVELY than just about any other guy out there.
By now you’re probably saying to yourself:
“I’d love that, but I don’t have Johnny Depp’s looks, I’m not a millionaire AND I don’t drive a BMW M3.”
Well I’ve got some good news for you…
None of those things matter!
[headline_cufon_font_centered color=”#FF0000″]Looks & Money Attract Insecure
and Shallow Women NOT Beautiful,
Quality Women[/headline_cufon_font_centered]
In fact, in a lot of situations you’re actually better off without those things, since the women who typically go for that stuff, are vapid and shallow gold diggers.
There isn’t much that they care about except for getting free gifts. And let me tell you, once the gifts are gone – so are they!
So how will you finally get over the hurdles you face every day when it comes to meeting, attracting, dating and sleeping with more women? – And much higher quality women?
We’ll get to that in just a minute…
But first – I want to try a quick experiment
I want you to try and think back to a time when you’ve ever been in any situation similar to these:
A) You’re at a bar/coffee shop/mall talking to a girl for a few minutes. Everything is going great, but out of nowhere she either grabs her cell phone and “pretends” that her friends need her; or she tells you that her boy friend was on his way, and would be here any minute.
B) You’re on a first date with a girl, and everything is going smoothly and you’re really hitting it off. But as the date is winding down, you go in for the good night kiss and all you get is a peck on the cheek. And then to make matters worse, she tells you that she would rather just be friends.
C) You see an incredibly attractive woman and finally muster up the courage to approach her. BUT – before you can even get one single word out, she pretends to not see you, grabs her cell phone (which never rang in the first place) and acts as if she’s on the most important call of her entire life.
This reason that all these situations (and tons more) all take place is actually quite simple.
[headline_cufon_font_centered color=”#FF0000″]Here Is The BIG Secret About Women
Other Men Don’t Understand[/headline_cufon_font_centered]
Women are approached ALL-DAY-LONG!!! We are bombarded by approaches and offers from men.
Hell, I usually can’t take 5 steps out of my front door before some dude starts talking to me.
So when I (and every other women) blows a guy off, it’s not because we are bitches.
It’s because there simply aren’t enough hours in the day to talk to each and every guy out there.
And quite frankly, most guys seem so bland and boring to us, that it’s almost impossible to tell the difference between the 4th guy to approach us today, and the 24th.
So how can YOU separate yourself from everyone else, and not only get our attention, but also get US to chase YOU for a date (or even some casual sex)?
[headline_cufon_font_centered color=”#FF0000″]You Can Get More Women, Date More Women
and Have More Sexual Options NOW[/headline_cufon_font_centered]
Well, it’s pretty simple really…
If you do not want to seem like every other boring guy out there, then that must means that you need to show us that you are unique.
Have you ever seen a woman checking out (or even approaching) some guy on the street simply because he was carrying a guitar, walking a dog or was wearing some funky clothes?
The reason she (and loads of other women) approached him, and actually OFFERED to give him her number, was because from the very second that she spotted him, she saw that he was different from everybody else.
He had unique qualities to offer her, which NONE of the other guys around her did – and she didn’t want to lose him.
That’s it!
That’s the big secret…
Women want to be with guys who are different from everyone else, and can take them on adventures that other guys simply cannot.
So how can you make sure to bring out the unique qualities in yourself, AND be 100% positive that they are the ones that women find very sexually attractive?
Well, you can spend months (if not years) and thousands of dollars trying out new things, until you find something that eventually works.
You can have me (your own personal double agent and new best friend) teach you step-by-step what’s going on in a woman’s mind, and how you can transform yourself in to the kind of guy that women go crazy for.
Hi – I want to formally introduce myself…
My name is Marni and I am now your personal Wing Girl!
Think of me as your Secret Weapon
I am your new best friend and LAST female friend you will ever have.
Why You Will Want To Learn From Me:
- I was awarded the title of World’s Greatest Wing Girl at the 2010 Global PUA Summit
- I have SUCCESSFULLY coached 1000′s of men around the world on how to attract, approach, date, seduce and keep the women they want
- I have been friends with guys all my life. So I get you and know what you want.
- Top MALE attraction experts like David DeAngelo, Scot Mckay Dr. Paul, Adam Lyons, Adam Gilad, Carlos Xuma and dozens more, turn to me for a woman’s perspective[/red_arrow_list]
I am NOT a Pick Up Artist (although I was voted World’s Best Female PUA in 2010), or a therapist, a specialist, a scientist or any other type of “ist”. I am, however, a WOMAN. A living, breathing, attractive, quality female whose blood boils when I see really good men like you get blindsided in the dating world.
With my help you’ll learn to decipher a woman’s language to know what she really wants, how to read her body language so you know when she’s attracted to you, and what to do and say around women to get them eager and willing to do whatever little thing you want.
[headline_cufon_font_centered color=”#FF0000″]I Can Help You Get
Everything You Want From Women[/headline_cufon_font_centered]
I want to give you something very special.
HINT: It’s the 1 THING, that as a man, you would NEVER be able to access on your own.
I can say with 100% certainty, that what I am about to give you is going to change you life with women FOREVER. I want to give you direct access to WHAT WOMEN WANT. Not what they tell you they want, what they REALLY want. Big Difference.
How can I do this? Because I am a woman.
I’m not sure if you know this or not, but the way women talk in front of you is ENTIRELY different than how they talk to other women. Especially when it comes to men. For example:
Have you ever told a woman that you are “friends” with that you like her.
Here is the response she tells you:
“I love you too much to ruin our friendship by starting a relationship. I really don’t want to lose our friendship”.
Here is the response she tells her girlfriends:
“I would NEVER date X. The thought of it actually makes me a little sick. He’s like a brother. I don’t think of him that way and probably never will.”
We females are pretty blunt when we get around one another. Girl time, with our close friends that we trust, is our free time. We can let our guard down and not worry about how we present ourselves. It’s when we are the most honest.
Women Tell Each Other Everything.
Which is why you will be very happy you and I are now friends!
I am about to give you Exclusive Access to the world of women, by showing you how we REALLY behave and talk, when you’re not around
[headline_cufon_font_centered color=”#FF0000″]You Are About To Know More About
Women Than 90% Of Men On The Planet [/headline_cufon_font_centered]
I have selected 40 Attractive, Sexy, Intelligent Women to answer questions that men have never heard the honest answer to. And I recorded their answers on audio and video.
What many of these women did not know, is that when our interview was done, I pretended to stop recording, That’s when the even juicer stuff came out!
40 Hot, Sexy, Intelligent Women Are Going To Tell You:
- What are the biggest “turn-off mistakes” that most guys never realize they’re making…
- What does it say about a man when he approaches a woman WITHOUT confidence? Will she wait 5 minutes until he gets comfortable?
- Can a woman tell if a man is attracted to her even if he doesn’t say it?
- What can a man do to make a woman instantly feel attraction for him…
- What signs do women give when they want to be kissed? Have sex?
Does a strong character and personality trump good looks every time?
- What is the #1 way to make a woman come back for more
- How do women decide whether if they can trust a man and let down their guard with?
- How do you touch a woman the right way upon first meeting her (without creeping or freaking her out) that you can easily lead to hand-holding, closing with a kiss or even bringing her home later
- How do 9’s and 10’s want to be approached
- What signs women give that say “go for it” and ask for her number – and when you need to help her feel more comfort before asking
- Is it okay to take a woman on coffee date vs. dinner?
- Will a woman be turned off if a man does not spend lots of money on her?
- What will guarantee a second date?
- What are 10 things a man should NEVER bring up on dates…
What women really want in a man – the exact qualities she’s looking for, and how you can demonstrate them so she chooses you above all other guys…
- How to escalate with women from the first kiss to physical intimacy, with no fear of being “shut down…”
- How to decipher whether or not a woman is using you for your money – Is she a gold digger?
- Do women like to talk dirty?
- What should you say to get her in the mood?
- How to create a safe “non-judgmental” space where she feels free to unleash her wildly wild side
- What women are looking for during the first conversation – and what things they absolutely HATE talking about…
The little-known difference between flirtatious banter and friend talk
- When to ask for the phone number, and how to do it smoothly to guarantee she gives it to you…
- The exact way your profile needs to be written so a woman responds to you…
- What to wear on that first date…
- How to leave them wanting more after the first date. Get the 2nd, 3rd and 4th date every time…
No Script. No Rules. Just Women Being Blunt, REAL And Honest.
[headline_cufon_font_centered color=”#FF0000″]Here’s What You’ll Discover About Women[/headline_cufon_font_centered]
- The one quality in a man women universally find highly DESIRABLE. You’ll hear this over and over from the 40 women. If you can only learn one thing to improve your success with women… this is it!!!
- Finally understand what women really mean when they say “Be Yourself”! Plus The hot sexy quality any man can have that trumps money, status and looks. Women will overlook almost anything if a man has this quality, and any man CAN have it.
- The truth about women and bad-boys. Fact is, no women wakes up wishing they could meet a bad-boy jerk who treats her badly. Discover what they really wish for in a man no bad-boy jerk can ever offer. Plus The one irresistible quality of bad-boys every guy can (and should) do that she’ll love.
- You’ll find out what really works in pick-up from women who get hit on EVERY DAY, and what turns them off faster than flicking off a light switch. Including The 5 instant deal-breakers from which there is no hope of recovery.
- The polite ways women let you know they are not interested when they don’t want to hurt your feelings or crush your ego. These are important if you don’t want her to have to blatantly blow you off in front of everyone.
- A FOOLPROOF signal a woman wants you to approach her… NOW! And If you don’t approach her when you see it, she’ll think you’re a wimp. Congratulations… you just blew your chance.
- Learn the truth about what women think about money when it comes to sex, dating & relationships, and How to prevent money (or lack of money) to screw up your relationship.
- The 5 things more important to women than money. And I have uncovered a foolproof way to weed out a Gold Digger.
- The important distinction between instant attraction and the long term attraction that leads to a hot sexy relationship. Most PUA’s only go for instant attraction.
- What makes a man stand out at a night club that has nothing to do with what you wear.
- 5 reasons why you should focus on Social Proof instead of canned lines or routines in social settings. Plus simple secrets to quickly build powerful social proof anywhere you go. Anyone can do it, but very few people do.
- What you can do that shows woman you are sincere and have real value. I’ll give you a hint: it’s not canned routines.
- The giant flashing GREEN LIGHT she wants you to talk to her. If you ignore this and don’t go talk to her she’ll think Wimp, Wimp, Wimp!
- 2 signs a woman will give off when she first meets you to let you know she’s curious about you. Discover how to recognize the subtle signals she’s giving you that say More Please!
- Simple style changes any man can make which open doors with extremely attractive women.
- The 3 very strong indicators of interest. If she does all of these she WANTS you. if you miss them, she’ll think you don’t like her. She’ll think you are rejecting her.
- A common behavior that kills your sex appeal for a woman. You’ll want to eliminate this unconscious action immediately.
[headline_cufon_font_centered color=”#FF0000″]Learn What Women Like, Love & Hate[/headline_cufon_font_centered]
- The #1 cardinal sin of conversation, and conversation killing questions women hate. Plus The truth about how canned lines and routines affect connection.
- Ever get tripped up because of an answer you didn’t expect? Learn how to easily recover and impress her at the same time.
- The nice way to call a woman on her BS… and have her respect and admire you for doing so. And discover why this is so important.
- Find out what dozens of women agree is the #1 biggest turn off that ruins any chance of connection.
- I’ll show you How your mind ‘traps’ you and ruins your chances with women BEFORE you even approach. And how to obliterate the Mental loops keep you stuck.
- The rubber-band trick to get rid of social anxiety flare-ups.
- Even better… you’ll discover the unconscious behaviors men do that make you a NO in a woman’s mind before you approach. So you can stop shooting yourself in the foot.
- Do you go to clubs? Avoid this ‘creepy’ behavior that guarantees instant rejection. (and don’t think they don’t notice, even from across the room)
- And you’ll find out How to quickly & easily tell if she’s not really interested in you. (spare yourself the rejection by excusing yourself first)
- Then after you know what women desire, how attraction works, how to connect and how to handle rejection… it’s time to go on dates.
- Discover simple & fun first date locations that help your conversation flow.
- And how to design a fun date that helps you make a killer first impression. (That doesn’t cost and arm & a leg) Plus places women absolutely hate for a first date.
- Listen carefully to the 5 questions a woman will secretly try to answer about you on the first three dates. Why? Because she wants to know by date #3 if you are worth more of her time.
- And you’ll hear from the women when you should call, when you should text and when it’s okay to email. Women notice these things… get it wrong and she’ll be gone.
- Best part… you’ll discover the simple yet surprising way to ask a woman for a first date, she’ll be shocked and excited at the same time. This method drastically improves the YES response!
- Find out 3 simple, low-cost ideas for a first date women enjoy. And why the expensive dates can screw up your chances with a woman. A classic bonehead mistake guys make during dates that will lose you MAJOR points.
[headline_cufon_font_centered color=”#FF0000″] You Won’t Find This Information Anywhere Else[/headline_cufon_font_centered]
- You’ll hear case studies of disastrous dates dissected play-by-play. Listen in like a fly on the wall as women spill the dirt on disaster dates.
- It’s a bit like watching a train-wreck in slow motion, it will make you squirm, but it’s a virtual guarantee you won’t make the same boneheaded date mistakes.
- And you’ll hear the revealing story of a woman so attractive she had men hitting on her since she was 12 years old. Discover what the man did who finally swept her off her feet. Here’s a hint — the thing that turns her on the most isn’t cash, looks, or cars. And even in Los Angeles few men had ‘it’.
- Worst Thing EVER to do on a date. She’ll find any excuse to end it and never call you again. Plus topics you should never bring up on a first date.
- The definitive answer for the eternal question men have: “Who should pay for the date?” Get the answer and learn why it’s not about the money. And never be troubled by this again.
- Do you have Worries she is only after your wallet? A clear signal she’s only dating you for the free meals. A simple way to let a woman know you’re not her personal ATM. (If she’s only into money, she’ll find another meal ticket)
- The real reasons men fall into the friendship zone including an all too common behavior that dooms you to be in the friend zone… forever!
- How to spot Foolproof evidence she’s taking advantage of you. And know when she doesn’t respect you.
- The 10 simple words you can use to instantly break out of the friends-zone trap with any woman.
- Discover what women look for online, what they love and hate and Specific examples of what works and what doesn’t in online dating. You’ll even hear from women who met their husbands online.
- Plus Sneaky profile tricks women use online to quickly filter guys. If you miss one and she’ll won’t return your emails no matter how perfect you might be for her!
[headline_cufon_font_centered color=”#FF0000″]Introducing: What’s Inside A Woman’s Mind[/headline_cufon_font_centered]
[headline_cufon_font_centered color=”#FF0000″]Get Your Hands On 40
Tell All Video and Audio Interviews
With The World’s Most Beautiful Women[/headline_cufon_font_centered]
[headline_tahoma_small_left color=”#000000″]Part 1: What TYPE of Man Do Women Want[/headline_tahoma_small_left]
Masculinity? The Alpha Male That Women Want
- Bad Boy vs. Nice Guy: What Do Women Want?
- Looks vs. Personality: How Character Can Trump Looks Every Time
- Will Women Date Short Men?
- How To Dress: Do’s and Don’ts of Mens Fashion
[headline_tahoma_small_left color=”#000000″]Part 2: Attracting and Connecting With Women[/headline_tahoma_small_left]
[headline_tahoma_small_left color=”#000000″]Part 3: Making The Right FIRST Impression[/headline_tahoma_small_left]
[headline_tahoma_small_left color=”#000000″]Part 4: Mastering Your Dating Life[/headline_tahoma_small_left]
- What All Girls “Freak Out” About Before Dates
- The $2 Date We LOVE
- Guidelines For Successful Dating
- Where and How To Meet Great Women
- First Date Automatic Turn Offs
- How To Successfully Date Online
- How To Date Younger Women
- How To Stop Other Guys From Taking Your Girl
[headline_tahoma_small_left color=”#000000″]Part 5: Getting Physical and Sexual[/headline_tahoma_small_left]
- What Do Women Want Sexually?
- How Women Decide To Have Sex With Someone – BEFORE Even Leaving The Club
- What To Say To A Naked Woman
- How To Please A Woman Sexually
[headline_tahoma_small_left color=”#000000″]Part 6: Keeping Her Interested: Relationships & Marriage[/headline_tahoma_small_left]
- Why A Beautiful, Sexy Woman Married A Nerd
- How Women Select Long Term Partners
- Female Insecurity: What Testing Our Partners REALLY Means?
- What You Can Do Every Day To Keep Her Wanting You
[headline_cufon_font_centered color=”#FF0000″]Apply Just 10 Percent Of What You Learn
Over All Other Men! [/headline_cufon_font_centered]
REMINDER: All my programs come with a FREE UPDATES FOR LIFE policy. I will inform you of all new content and you will have FREE access to it.
Learn To Drive Women Crazy In Bed
Sexpert and former Penthouse Pet, Ryan Keeley reveals the #1 move that drives women crazy in bed!!! It’s called the BUTTERFLY and it’s one of the best moves that I have ever seen. It drove me crazy just watching it 😉
In this 20 minute video, Ryan and her team will also show the 3 biggest mistakes men learn from porn that can instantly ruin your sex life.
PLUS – You Will Also Hear From Women Like Sam
“Sure I flirt for fun but here’s what I do when I really flirt…”
And Erin
“A man with his own personal style, is a man that women want.
Style is just another extension of who a man is and what he’s about.”
Be A Fly On The Wall At Our Girls Night
“Women are ALWAYS competing against other women.
So here’s what a guy needs to do to get our attention…”
[headline_cufon_font_centered color=”#FF0000″]I’ve Also Thrown In Some KILLER Bonuses…[/headline_cufon_font_centered]
Bonus #1 –Understanding The Science Behind Attraction and What Makes Women FEEL Attraction by Dr. Ben Karney (Value $39.99)
This is by far one of the best and most scientifically informative interviews I have EVER done. Dr. Karney and I speak for over an hour about:
- Why, How and When women experience attraction
- How to make women feel attracted to you
- How women select their partners for one nights stands vs. long term
- How to enhance female sexuality and sensuality
- What creates successful long term partnerships and much much more….
Bonus #2 – 60 Minute HIDDEN CAMERA VIDEO “Girls Reveal All” (Value $97.99)
Get a front row seat and witness 5 beautiful, freakin’ amazing women spilling the beans to me about what they REALLY want from men.
I invited some of my girlfriends over for a fun Girls Night and Girl Time.
SECRET ABOUT WOMEN: Girls Nights and Girl Time usually consists of a bunch of women talking about men, sex and relationships.
Pretty sure I have never had a serious political debate or casual conversation about sports, the economy or anything of substance during a girls night.
What I didn’t tell my girlfriends is I had set up hidden cameras to capture our conversation. I wanted to get these women to be as honest as possible with me about what they really want from men. Not the typical “friendly” version of what they tell others when they know they are being judged. I wanted the real, hard core answers that my friends would only tell each other. And that’s exactly what I got. This video has provided me…
60 minutes of the most RAW, HONEST and REVEALING footage I have ever captured.
These women tell me everything from:
- Top qualities they find attractive in a man
- 3 things men do that turn them off instantly
- How they want to be approached
- When women will have one night stands and when they won’t
- How quickly a woman decides if she wants you
- Should you waste your money buying a woman a drink
- Does it matter if a guy is bald, fat, short and much much more…. Yours FREE when your purchase What’s Inside A Woman’s Mind!
Bonus #3 – 1 Week FREE Membership to the Insider’s Club!
(Value $75.00)
As a very special one-time bonus, I’m giving you a FREE week membership to “The Insiders Club”!
Here’s how it works: Order now, and I’ll throw in week FREE membership to “The Insider’s Club”.
The Insider’s Club is an exclusive, membership only club for men who win with women. It gives you front of the line, direct access to me 24 hours a day. I will e your Virtual Wing Girl and I answer any of your questions about women.
Ask me anything and everything you want to know about women and don’t be shy. I’ve heard it all before, so no point in holding back. Questions can be about women in general, about you, female translation, a specific situation with a woman, your online profile, your style, ANYTHING!
I’m pretty sure you are going to love this program that I am willing to give you FREE access to for one week. That means you will receive 1 week of exclusive, hands on, email coaching from me, so that you can see results with women even faster! All you gotta do is email me your question and within 48 hours I will write you back a detailed response.
If you love with (which you will) let me know and I’ll tell you how you can sign up and be a member full.
When you get What’s Inside A Woman’s Mind you will get 1 Week FREE access to this amazing membership only program where you’ll have direct access to me and be able to ask me as many questions as you like.
[headline_cufon_font_centered color=”#FF0000″]Get The Full System
+ Awesome Bonus Materials NOW!!![/headline_cufon_font_centered]
And now, you can have the entire system (plus RIDICULOUSLY AMAZING Bonuses Materials) at the seriously discounted, Price of just $97 $67 — a real-world $30 Off special!.
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- What’s Inside A Woman’s Mind
And also receive…
- 1 Month FREE Membership to The Insider’s club which giving you direct access to me to get super-personalized advice
- Understanding The Science Behind Attraction and What Makes Women FEEL Attraction by Dr. Ben Karney
Regular Price: $97
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Are You Ready to hear What’s Inside A Woman’s Mind? The Answer Should Always Be YES. Remember, a man who understands females has the potential to crush his competition and win the attention of any woman he wants. Become that man today! The Best & Last Female Friend You’ll Ever Have, Wishing you success with women,

Click Here To Try What's Inside A Woman's Mind Today!