[headline_cufon_font_centered color=”#ff0000″]Get The System That Gives You INSTANT ACCESS To Over 50 Beautiful Women[/headline_cufon_font_centered]
I’ll give you a “plug in” module in your brain that gives you the ability to read every woman’s mind. Imagine what you could do if you had this plug in installed in your approach system?”
What’s Inside A Woman’s Mind gives you instant confidence because you will finally understand women and know exactly what they want – IN EVERY SITUATION!!!
Instantly Download These Tell-All Audio and
Video Interviews With Some of the
World’s Most Beautiful Women
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Hi, my name is Marni.
And I’ve been featured on Penthouse, Fox, CNN, CNet.com, Glamour, AskMen, the Dr. Drew show and more—because there’s no other woman who’s better at helping regular guys get amazing women.
Whether it’s getting her out on a date, or into bed, I can help show you how…
That’s what this page is all about… so listen up.
Because you’re already waaaaay better with women than you think.
[headline_arial_large_centered color=”#a40e00″]The Problem Is You’ve Been Spoonfed Lies and Myths From Women Who Don’t Even Know What They Really Want![/headline_arial_large_centered]
But hey, it’s not your fault—and it’s not women’s fault. Society is set up so that women can never truly be honest about their desires… their fantasies… and want they really want from men.
And the hotter the woman is, the more she has to lose from being blunt about what she wants.
It’s messed up, because there’s a whole world of guys out there who are clueless about how women really think, feel and what they ultimately want…
Everyone suffers because of it. Men never learn what it takes to date us or unleash the wildest, most sexual parts of us…
And we women get hit on over and over by guys in the lamest ways you could ever imagine. Guys we might normally hop right into bed with (or into a relationship)—if only he actually knew what we wanted…
[headline_arial_large_centered color=”#333333″]Forget About Good Looks, Money, Clothes or Even “Game”—Because None of That S#@! Matters[/headline_arial_large_centered]
Seriously, you’re about discover exactly why you don’t have to look like Brad Pitt… be rich or even have game like pickup artists teach—and actually those things GET IN THE WAY of getting the best women.
Looks & Money Attract Insecure
and Shallow Women NOT Beautiful,
Quality Women.
In fact, in a lot of situations you’re actually better off without those things, since the women who typically go for that stuff, are vapid and shallow gold diggers.
There isn’t much that they care about except for getting free gifts. And let me tell you, once the gifts are gone – so are they!
So how will you finally get over the hurdles you face every day when it comes to meeting, attracting, dating and sleeping with more women? – And much higher quality women?
We’ll get to that in just a minute…
[headline_arial_large_centered color=”#333333″]3 Reasons Why You Don’t Date
Or Sleep With Women You Want[/headline_arial_large_centered]
I want you to try and think back to a time when you’ve ever been in any situation similar to these:
1) You’re at a bar/coffee shop/mall making small talk with a girl for a few minutes. Everything is going great and you’re thinking of asking her out, but out of nowhere she either grabs her cell phone and “pretends” that her friends need her; or she tells you that her boy friend was on his way, and would be here any minute.
2) You’re on a first date with a girl, and everything is going smoothly and you’re really hitting it off. But as the date progresses, you feel a tension growing. You become less sure of what to say… and it’s like the divide between you and her is growing. There are more uncomfortable moments of silence and less connection and chemistry. It all culminates in an awkward goodnight kiss attempt… which she quickly avoids. Of course, you never hear from her again after that …
3) You see an incredibly attractive woman and go through a painful “should I go talk to her?” battle within. You go back and forth over and over… part of you is dying to go talk to her… another part of you is afraid and making excuses. By the time you finally start to walk over to her… IT’S TOO LATE. She’s either gone, or has been approached by another guy. Ugh!
This reason that all these situations (and tons more) all take place is actually quite simple.
[headline_arial_large_centered color=”#a40e00″]Most Guys Are Utterly Clueless About
What’s Going On Inside a Woman’s Mind[/headline_arial_large_centered]
And therein lies the problem. You’ve never had a knowledgeable woman “show you the ropes”… breaking down how women think, feel and what it takes to get her.
Once that happens and you “get” women on an instinctual level—it’s game over. Your confidence soars and you automatically know what to say in any situation.
And if there’s any girl who can help you understand women and what:
- I’ve been featured on over a dozen TV shows and magazines—including Men’s Health, Glamour, Penthouse, Fox, and others…
- I was awarded the title of World’s Greatest Wing Girl at the 2010 Global PUA Summit
- I have SUCCESSFULLY coached 1000′s of men around the world on how to attract, approach, date, seduce and keep the women they want
- I have been friends with guys all my life. So I get you and know what you want.
- Top MALE attraction experts like David DeAngelo, Scot Mckay Dr. Paul, Adam Lyons, Adam Gilad, Carlos Xuma and dozens more, turn to me for a woman’s perspective
I am NOT a Pick Up Artist (although I was voted World’s Best Female PUA in 2010), or a therapist, a specialist, a scientist or any other type of “ist”. I am, however, a WOMAN. A living, breathing, attractive, quality female whose blood boils when I see really good men like you get blindsided in the dating world.
With my help you’ll learn to decipher a woman’s language to know what she really wants, how to read her body language so you know when she’s attracted to you, and what to do and say around women to get them eager and willing to do whatever little thing you want.
I Can Help You Get
Everything You Want From Women
I want to give you something very special—starting today…
[headline_arial_large_centered color=”#333333″]HINT: It’s The 1 THING, That as a Man,
You’ll NEVER Be Able to Access On Your Own[/headline_arial_large_centered]
I can say with 100% certainty, that what I am about to give you is going to change you life with women FOREVER. I want to give you direct access to WHAT WOMEN WANT. Not what they tell you they want, what they REALLY want. Big Difference.
How can I do this? Because I am a woman.
I’m not sure if you know this or not, but the way women talk in front of you is ENTIRELY different than how they talk to other women. Especially when it comes to men. For example:
Have you ever told a woman that you are “friends” with that you like her.
Here is the response she tells you:
“I love you too much to ruin our friendship by starting a relationship. I really don’t want to lose our friendship”.
Here is the response she tells her girlfriends:
“I would NEVER date X. The thought of it actually makes me a little sick. He’s like a brother. I don’t think of him that way and probably never will.”
We females are pretty blunt when we get around one another.
Girl time, with our close friends that we trust, is our free time. We can let our guard down and not worry about how we present ourselves. It’s when we are the most honest.
[headline_arial_large_centered color=”#3333333″]Women Tell Each Other Everything![/headline_arial_large_centered]
Which is why you will be very happy you and I are now friends…
I am about to give you Exclusive Access to the world of women, by showing you how we REALLY behave and talk, when you’re not around.
[headline_arial_large_centered color=”#333333″]Just Hours From Now You’ll Know More About
Women Than 99% of Men on the Planet[/headline_arial_large_centered]
I have hand-picked over 50 Attractive, Sexy, Intelligent Women to candidly answer questions that men have never heard the honest answer to. And I recorded their answers on audio and video.
What many of these women did not know, is that when our interview was done, I pretended to stop recording, That’s when the even juicier stuff came out!
These 10 Women (PLUS 40) More, Will Reveal All The Dirty Little Secrets About What They Want
These Hot, Intelligent, Brutally Honest Women Are Going To Tell You:
- The 10 biggest “turn-off mistakes” that most guys never realize they’re making…
- The #1 reason why most guys never have the confidence to approach women (and the body language blunder 99% of men as they walk up to women for the first time)….
- How women “read” men’s desire in seconds, and how men can make their attraction more mysterious…
- The single fastest way to create attraction in 60 seconds or less—even if you lack confidence and don’t know what to say!
- The 7 most surefire signs for knowing whether a woman is giving you the “green light” to approach her… talk to her… or even kiss her…
- Why personality is 100x more sexy than looks, clothes or money—and which personality types attract women fastest…
- Why trust always precedes sex, and how to create total trust with any woman during that first conversation…
- The secret to touching a woman during the first interaction with her (do this right, and she’ll see you as a sexually confident man… do it wrong and you’ll creep her out)…
- How do 9′s and 10′s want to be approached…
- Is it okay to take a woman on coffee date vs. dinner?
- Will a woman be turned off if a man does not spend lots of money on her? Does paying for everything make you look like a sucker?
- What will guarantee a second date?
- 10 “instant dealbreakers” a man should NEVER bring up on dates…
- What women really want in a man – the best ways to highlight all the qualities she’s looking for (hint: you already have most of them)…
- How to escalate with women from the first kiss all the way to the bedroom, making it feel 100% natural the entire time…
- How to make her want sex so bad—even on the first date—that she’ll think coming back to your place is 100% her idea…
- The right way to flirt with women on the first date—and then how to keep flirting so she becomes addicted to the feeling about being around you…
- The #1 fastest way to get stuck in the friend zone…
- 3 things that must be in place BEFORE you even think about asking for her number (ignore one of them and you’ll be rejected instantly)…
[headline_arial_large_centered color=”#333333″]No Script. No Rules. Just Women Being Blunt,
REAL And Brutally Honest About What Turns Them On and Makes Them Want You.[/headline_arial_large_centered]
Here’s everything you’ll discover about beautiful women that most women will never ever tell you to your face…
- The one quality in a man women universally find highly DESIRABLE. You’ll hear this over and over from the 50 women. They’ll not only reveal what it is… but exactly how you can “fake it, until you make it”…
- Finally understand what women really mean when they say “Be Yourself” (And why most guys FAIL when they listen to this advice PLUS, the hot sexy quality regular guys can have that gives them a huge edge over guys with money, status and looks. Women will overlook almost anything if a man has this quality, and any man CAN have it.
- The truth about women and bad-boys. Fact is, no women wakes up wishing they could meet a bad-boy jerk who treats her badly. What they want is the “D” word that all bad boys give her… which is even sexier when demonstrated by a nice guy…
- You’ll find out what really works in approaching—from women who get hit on EVERY DAY. (And what turns them off faster than flicking off a light switch). This includes the 5 instant deal-breakers from which there is no hope of recovery.
- The polite ways women let you know they are not interested—when they don’t want to hurt your feelings or crush your ego. These are important if you don’t want her to have to blatantly reject you in public…
- A FOOLPROOF signal a woman wants you to approach her… NOW! And If you miss this window, she’ll think you’re a pussy and reject you instantly if you attempt to talk to her later on…
- Learn the truth about what women think about money when it comes to sex, dating & relationships, and the secret to preventing money (or lack of money) from causing any woman to think you’re a loser…
- How to create “long-term attraction” (the real secret to keeping beautiful women around) and why most pickup systems fail in this regard…
- Why focusing on “Social Proof” instead of canned lines or routines in social settings will help you dominate other guys. Plus simple secrets to quickly give you the perceived highest social status of any guy in the room…
- Simple style changes any man can make which instantly puts you into the same league as 9’s and 10’s…
- The 3 strongest female indicators of interest. If she does all of these she WANTS you. if you miss them, she’ll think you don’t like her. She’ll think you are rejecting her.
[headline_arial_large_centered color=”#333333″]Learn Everything About What Turns Beautiful Women… What They Look For And Even What They Fantasy About[/headline_arial_large_centered]
The #1 cardinal sin of conversation, and boring, conversation killing questions women hate. (If a woman has ever found an excuse to leave a conversation with you, chances are you made THIS mistake!)
- How to “call a woman on her shit” and make her intensely attracted you because of it…
- The “rubber-band trick” that quickly frees you from social anxiety and makes you one of the most confident guys in any room…
- Do you go to clubs? Avoid this ‘creepy’ behavior that guarantees instant rejection. (and don’t think they don’t notice, even from across the room)
- The #1 most embarrassing mistake most guys make when asking women out on first dates…
- The 10 funnest, most low-cost first date locations that say all the right things about you…
- And how to design a fun date that helps you make a killer first impression. (That doesn’t cost and arm & a leg) Plus places women absolutely hate for a first date.
- Listen carefully to the 5 questions a woman will secretly try to answer about you on the first three dates. Why? Because she wants to know by date #3 if you are worth more of her time.
- And you’ll hear from beautiful women on exactly when you should call, when you should text and when it’s okay to email. Women notice these things… get it wrong and she’ll be gone.
[headline_arial_large_centered color=”#333333″]Shocking Revelations No Woman You Know
Will Never Ever Tell You to Your Face![/headline_arial_large_centered]
- You’ll hear case studies of disastrous dates dissected play-by-play. Listen in like a fly on the wall as women spill the dirt on disaster dates.
- It’s a bit like watching a train-wreck in slow motion, it will make you squirm, but it’s a virtual guarantee you won’t make the same boneheaded date mistakes.
- And you’ll hear the revealing story of a woman so attractive she had men hitting on her since she was 12 years old. Discover what the man did who finally swept her off her feet. Here’s a hint — the thing that turns her on the most isn’t cash, looks, or cars. And even in Los Angeles few men had ‘it’.
- Worst Thing EVER to do on a date. She’ll find any excuse to end it and never call you again. Plus topics you should never bring up on a first date.
- The definitive answer for the eternal question men have: “Who should pay for the date?” Get the answer and learn why it’s not about the money. You’ll always be comfortable and confident when it comes time to pay…
- The real reason men fall into the “friend zone” including an all too common behavior that instantly dooms you to be in the friend zone… forever!
- How to spot Foolproof evidence she’s taking advantage of you. And know when she doesn’t respect you.
- The 10 simple words you can use to instantly break out of the friends-zone trap with any woman.
- We even cover the in’s and out’s of online dating. Discover exactly what women look for online, what they love and hate and specific examples of what works and what doesn’t in online dating. You’ll even hear from women who met their husbands online.
- Plus sneaky profile tricks women use online to quickly filter guys. If you miss one and she’ll won’t return your emails no matter how perfect you might be for her!
[headline_arial_large_centered color=”#a40e00″]Instantly Download These Tell-All Audio and Video Interviews With Some of the World’s Most Beautiful Women[/headline_arial_large_centered]
[features_box_grey width=”80%” + border=”2px”]

- What women secret mean when they say “I want a real man” and how you can be this for her—starting TODAY.
- Why women don’t really want bad boys—but settle for them when nice guys don’t meet their needs…
- How to develop the kind of personality every beautiful woman naturally lusts after…
- Why height isn’t important if you have this quality (and no, it’s not confidence!)
- How to dress in ways that turn women on—without seemingly like a d-bag or spending a fortune on clothes…

- A quick “friend zone reversal” that one guy used to marry a babe that had previously given him the “let’s be friends” speech…
- When to text and when to call (and how to know the difference)…
- Discover at which point women make the decision to sleep with a guy (it’s NOT what you’ve been told)… and how to make this work in your favor…
- Create an intense romantic connection that makes it impossible for her to ever think of you as just a friend…

- Why most guys start turning women off leading up to the first date (if you’ve ever gone on a date that started “cold”—you probably made one of these mistakes!)
- How every woman secretly dreams about being approached (and why we get intensely wet whenever a guy does this)…
- Why women judge you based on how strong you appear socially… and how to be the most socially dominant guy in any room—even if you’re short, skinny and lacking in confidence right now…
- How to tailor your approach to any woman in any situation—knowing exactly what to say no matter where you are or what she is doing…

- What All Girls “Freak Out” About Before Dates (if you understand this and can reassure her—you’ll score massive points and put her at ease on the first date)…
- The $2 Date We LOVE (that trumps a $200 date every time!)
- The 10 best places to meet attractive women with their defenses down….
- 7 things guys do on first dates that make us want to be taken home immediately…
- The right way to use online dating (do this wrong and women will think you’re a creepy nerd—but the right way makes you a man with tons of options)…
- The secret to dating hot women 10, 20, even 30 years younger than you…
- How To Stop Other Guys From Taking Your Girl without appearing like an insecure bully or deuchebag…

- What Do Women REALLY Want Sexually? How dominant should you be?
- 3 “Tests” Women Use Before Deciding To Have Sex With Someone–BEFORE Even Leaving The Club
- The 1 Most Important Sentence You MUST Say To A Naked Woman—Otherwise She’ll Feel Insecure and Maybe Even Change Her Mind About Sex…
- The 5 Best Ways to Not Only Turn Her On and Make Her Dripping Wet… But Also Ensure She Comes At Least Once…

- Why A Beautiful, Sexy Woman Married A Nerd (and how to use his secret no matter where your experience or confidence levels are now…)
- How Women Select Long Term Partners—and why most women cause their girlfriends to cheat or break up with them…
- Female Insecurity 101: How to know when she’s testing you out of fear, and the secret to making her feel safe and comfortable (she will LOVE that you know how to do this!)
- What You Can Do Every Day To Keep Her Wanting You… Reaching for your Pants… Begging You to Come Join Her in Bed…
[headline_arial_large_centered color=”#333333″]Apply Just 3 of the Hundreds of Tips You Discover In These Interviews and You’ll Quickly Have More Options Than Any Guy You Know[/headline_arial_large_centered]
REMINDER: All my programs come with a FREE UPDATES FOR LIFE policy. I will inform you of all new content and you will have FREE access to it.
PLUS – You Will Also Hear From Women Like Sam
And Erin
Be A Fly On The Wall At Our Girls Night
When You Get Started TODAY…[/headline_arial_large_centered]

Video Interview and Over $313 in
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- What’s Inside A Woman’s Mind
And also receive…
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Unfortunately, far too many men are settling…
BUT NOT YOU. Not once you see these interviews. They will change you on a deep level…
I created them to ensure that you have the confidence… the options… the type of life that other guys can only dream about.
YET… I can only help you when you click the “add to cart” button and actually get started with What’s Inside a Woman’s Mind today.
This should be one of the easiest decisions you’ll ever make … especially since you have only 1 easy payment of $67 to risk – for over $400 in real value that you can download immediately…
PLUS the upside of having a whole new life to step into.
Just imagine: A short time from now…
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–Feeling fearless when it comes to women—knowing you can go out anytime, any day and attract quality woman based on your personality and understanding that most other guys are clueless about…
–And ultimately, having confidence in every part of your life because you’ve finally got the “woman thing handled” and don’t have to worry endlessly about getting laid or finding a girlfriend like most guys do…
Whether you want to put more time into making money… having an amazing sex life… traveling with a girl you care about or anything else…
[headline_arial_large_centered color=”#333333″]IT’S ALL POSSIBLE.[/headline_arial_large_centered]
The results come from the foundation you begin laying today.
When you take action now and begin following this process — you’ll be well on your way to creating the mental foundation you need to attract any woman you want… no matter how attractive she is.
What would you give to experience all this right now?
Can you honestly put a number on it?
Remember, I’ve been featured so many places because I’ve gotten results for countless guys around the world—guys just like you.
It works — but only when you invest in yourself, and download it.
Will you join me?
I’m sure you’ll make the right choice.
And I can’t wait to see what your life looks like when it’s filled with more beautiful women than you know what to do with.
Let’s take the first step together.
Just click the “add to cart” button… follow the simple, secure checkout process… and download the entire package worth over $400…
Get it today — right now — and I’ll welcome you on the other side.

The Answer Should ABSOLUTELY Be YES.
Remember, a man who understands females has the potential to crush his competition and win the attention of any woman he wants. Become that man today!
The Best & Last Female Friend You’ll Ever Have,
Wishing you success with women,
PS. Unless you already know everything about women then you could be losing out on screwing everything up with the women in your life at this very moment. Put my powerful information into and practice and starting having unbelievable success with women.
PPS: Order now and instantly receive What’s Inside A Woman’s Mind. You will learn the most revealing information about women that will blow your mind! Information no man will ever be able to provide you with.
What excuse could you possibly have for waiting? Claim your copy of What Women REALLY Want From Men right now.
PPPS: Once you get this video, watch it just once. Put it away. You’ll be able to understand every women you come in contact with. You will have the confidence, knowledge and information needed in order to attract, date and keep any woman you want. And if everything I’ve written on this page doesn’t happen – for ANY reason – Simply write us and I’ll refund every red cent and penny of your money. No hassles or questions. I want you to succeed with women, because I care about YOU and YOUR SUCCESS. Not your money. So what’s holding you back?

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