Where To Meet Men

Think there’s no men in your town, your state, your country? You’re single because there just aren’t any men. Period. Right?

I don’t think so: one of the most common hurdles women tell me they face to meeting men is that they don’t know where to find them! So I want to give you an insight into how to overcome this so that you know not meeting men is down to your logistics and not your mindset.

You may not live on Broadway, NYC, or South Beach, MIA, or Hollywood, CA; but here are my top places to meet men in your local area:

1. The Gym: You’re basically killing two birds with one stone here. Getting fit AND meeting men!

2. Social clubs: Once men have left college (& gotten some responsibilities) grinding at a dance club until 3am may have lost some of its appeal! However, there are plenty of other social opportunities that men will turn up for. If you live in a city check out networking events: often these list attendees, including single men. If you live a little further out then look into local social clubs, book clubs, yoga clubs- any activity that you think the women you want may be into.

3. Explore your hobbies: Always wanted to learn a few skills in the kitchen? Try out rock climbing, or finally make the trip to see your favorite band play? Then do it! Not only will you build up your own social life (which instantly makes you more of an attractive girl to be around) but you’ll also end up meeting men who have a shared interest with you: great for kick starting conversations!

4. Get online: Even if there wasn’t another man for 100’s of miles around, the fact that you’re reading this blog means that you have access to the internet. So get online, try out a few free sites, put some effort into getting a good profile together and whip out those ice breaker messages. Just like in real life, internet dating requires you to be pro-active, but it can be a great way to meet tons of people you’d never get to know in real life.

5. Ask your friends: Most people still meet people through their social circle; so it’s time to work on yours. A group of good friends will get you off of your couch and out meeting people. The bigger your social circle is the more people you can meet who are a friend of a friend of a friend. So start saying ‘yes’ when people invite you out, arrange cool social gatherings and tell all your friends to play matchmaker and hook a sister up!

6. The Grocery Store: I think I have officially  increased revenues at Wholefoods and other local supermarkets around the world, because every guy I work with I tell them to go practice meeting women at the grocery store.  It’s a great place for them to meet women and for you to meet men.  Plus it’s got so many conversation starters because there is so much to observe there. “You have a lot of Sweet Potatoes.” or “I’ve never had that type of fish before, what does it taste like?”. Plenty of ways to break into conversations.

7. Google That SH*T!!!!: Google is the best resources for finding events/groups/activities you can participate in so that you can meet men.  I actually use it for most of my one on one clients.  Here’s how to use it:

1. Enter your age or age range you are looking to meet/interact with

2. Enter singles events/singles groups/singles parties

3. Enter your city

(see example below)

A whole bunch of options will pop up. Then go through the options and find the best choices for you. Make sure to do 1 of these things each week and I guarantee you’ll meet men OR new single friends that you can hang out with. No more being the 3rd wheel!

You know have a list of places to meet men! So no more excuses. It’s time to get off your butt and make it happen.



4 responses to “Where To Meet Men”

  1. They would be OK, as long as you get fit for them. Get your length, lie angle and shaft flex cehekcd on whatever set you want. Expensive doesn’t always equal better, usually just more money gettin shelled out. Personally, I bought a set of Tour Edge Jmax irons 2 years ago, and they’ve been great. I only spent $200 for 3-PW set.You need to like what you’re hitting, regardless of the name on the back of the clubhead. Get a brand that YOU like, and the fitting will also boost your confidence.

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  3. Marni – don’t forget Meetup.com! Every possible interest group where you get to meet people, including men, in person!!

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